
Spring Symposium

Spring Symposium

Spring Symposium offers students at Reed the opportunity to join a small community focused on enhancing academic skills and strategies while building relationships with Reed students, faculty and staff. The program is open for all students but is especially designed for First-Year and Sophomore students.

Spring Symposium helps students:

  • Build and strengthen academic skills and strategies like time management, academic reading, note-taking, and motivation
  • Develop strategies to incorporate holistic well-being into their time at Reed
  • Build relationships with students, faculty and staff

Spring Symposium 2025

In Spring 2025, Spring Symposium will take place once a week for five weeks. More information on time, location and schedule of topics will be shared soon.

For Students

Click on the button below to register for Spring Symposium.

For Faculty and Staff

Click on the button below to recommend a student for Spring Symposium. The Office of Academic Support will reach out to recommended students and encourage them to register. Thank you for your recommendation!


Please contact springsymposium@reed.edu for any questions.